Hello there! So a lot has changed since my last post. So PageantLive went well. Though I did cough a couple times & I guess it was a little disturbing while I was trying to quiet it. Had a blast on the show.
On Friday the 7th, we headed down to the hotel for pageant weekend. It was so surreal.
We got to the hotel safe and sound. Checked in our room and then I went down to pageant check-in. It was a lot of fun meeting all of the gals. Next my parents and I went out to birthday dinner at Applebee's. Where I got sang to!! haha! It is actually on my vine so go check it out.
After that, I went to rehearsal at the ballroom. After that long night we went back to the hotel. I could hardly even sleep! Plus not being in my own bed has a factor as well lol.
On Saturday the 8th, was the big day; Pageant day and my 21st birthday! Right away I got ready for Interview. My parents and I went to Perkins for breakfast.
Then headed to the hotel for the interviews. Before the interviews I asked the gals who were in my interview group if they wanted to do a prayer before. I lead the prayer and after that it is safe to say we felt ready to go. God calmed us and prepared us. I LOVED how the interview was set-up. Instead of having a panel, you get interviewed individually by each judge. All pageants should do that in my opinion lol.
Then on down to the ballroom for rehearsals, lunch, & pageant!! I have to say that I love ALL the gals! Safe to say our new Miss Minnesota International, Gabby Taylor, became my best friend that day! Multiple times throughout the day she kept telling me Happy Birthday!! Love ya girly!
During the pageant I was ready and praying every second. I remember the dreaded onstage question part. OMG!! I had NO CLUE what the question was even about. I didn't know how to answer. I just said a round about answer and hoped I was right. I never heard of anything this question was about.
But I was happy when that was done! I was just worried about not tripping onstage haha. That happens with me.
After all the competition, it was time for crowning. My feet were so sore let me tell you! I couldn't wait to get out of those darn heels lol. So as it got to the Miss crowning, I was excited/nervous/unsure/trusting in God! As I lasted through the runner-up and it was time to crown the titleholder, I couldn't believe I was still standing. I didn't know what was going to happen.
Then the name was called, GABBY TAYLOR! I was so flipping excited for my buddy!! I gave her a big hug! Also right before her name was called, she told me happy birthday! Again love you bud! I seriously was so happy and proud!
After the whole pageant, I was so happy to be done!
On Sunday the 9th, I was home and decided on my pageant future. I am no longer competing in pageants. I could not keep going through the traveling, spending money I barley have, & also at times feeling like I am not good enough. I feel like at times, my birth defect is the reason why I am not chosen for the title. I want to put my focus on something that makes me feel positive and not sure & uncomfortable with myself.
On Monday the 10th, God put something in my heart. I had this dream since I was a kid but forgot about it after I started pageants. So I am pursuing it now! I sent in an audition today and trusting fully in God no matter how far I get. I would say what it is but I don't want to give up any hopes incase it doesn't work out. I will update on my website on what happens. I will leave it at the end of the blog!
I want to say THANK YOU!! I had a blast being your Miss Crow Wing County International 2014. It was an honor. I have one more appearance as my title and I am officially done. Thank you God for this experience and continually providing for my needs and my dreams! Love you!
God Bless & Much Love,
Tiffany Marie Paul
Miss Crow Wing County International 2014
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